Our Top 3 Favorite Jersey Quilts

One of the best ways to preserve all your jerseys once you're no longer using them is to turn them into a jersey blanket or jersey quilt. Rather then have those special memories collect dust in the attic or take up important space in your closet, why not showcase them in a t shirt quilt?
Our Top 3 Favorite Jersey Quilts
We've compiled a list of three of our favorite jersey quilts, so you can see what you could do with your jersey quilts! Making your own t shirt quilt or t shirt blanket could be a fun at home project or, if you don't have the time or equipment, there are plenty of online companies that would be happy to make a you a t shirt quilt out of your well-loved jerseys.
1. The T Shirt Blanket
A t shirt blanket is a great option for jersey quilts if you are not quilter, or if you having someone else make it for you and have a smaller budget. A t shirt blanket is still a great way to showcase all of those fun sports memories!
Courtesy of Lisa H.
The jersey blanket above brought together many years of playing baseball all into one special keepsake! When you're done playing baseball, or any other sport, you're left with all sorts of jerseys and t shirts. Honoring those memories in jersey quilts allows you to keep those memories for many more years to come - all in one place!
2. The T Shirt Quilt
A T Shirt Quilt is a great option when making jersey quilts as well! The addition of batting and long-arm stitching ensures that your new keepsake will last even longer, and it will be more like a traditional quilt! If you are a quilter, even a novice one, this project is great for you. If you're not a quilter, there are many online companies that make jersey quilts.
Courtesy of Brett S.
The t shirt quilt above brings together years of going to football games as a family and is now the official game day quilt to going to future football games. If you want to read more about this t shirt quilt in particular, check out this customer's story here. Jersey quilts like these are a great way to bring memories from your whole family into one keepsake that you can all share and use!
3. The Mosaic T Shirt Quilt
Some jerseys have huge graphics or numbers on the front and might not fit the standard sizing for a t shirt quilt. Most online companies range in panel sizes from 8-16" panels, but what should you do if your jerseys are larger than that? The solution might be looking into mosaic jersey quilts! If you've been quilting quite a while, and are ready for a new challenge, this may be a great option. But if you're intimidated by the project, or just don't have the time, reach out to some online t shirt quilt companies about potentially doing custom projects, specifically mosaic style jersey quilts.
Courtesy of Steve N.
The jersey quilt above brings together years of triathlons into one great keepsake. If you participate in lots of sporting events, races, etc., many times you get a t shirt for participating. After several events, you'll have more t shirts and jerseys than you could possibly need! Putting them all together to create jersey quilts is a great way to hang on to them without taking up as much space!
Are you ready to start on your own jersey blanket? If so, check out this blog that shows you how to get started! If you'd rather go through an online t shirt quilt company do have yours made, check out this jersey quilts retailer!
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