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Our Top 7 Favorite Memory Quilt Ideas

woman holding t-shirt quilt on bed

Everyone has old t-shirts lying around: old t-shirts from high school art club, old T-shirts from college intramurals, or old t-shirts that fit you five years ago but just don't cut it anymore.

You're not going to wear them, but you don't want to part with them either. Our solution? Make a t shirt quilt! We've listed 7 of our favorite memory quilt ideas.

Our Top 7 Favorite Memory Quilt Ideas

1. College t shirt quilt

How many free t shirts did you receive in college? 10? 20? 50? You receive them as incentives to join clubs, to sign up for activities, and to fill out surveys. Many of those college t shirts you've never worn, or maybe you only wear them to the gym (the few days you actually go), and they're taking up more space than you have. 

Consider giving these college shirts a new life in a college quilt. You can do this at home in a few easy steps or an online retailer like would be happy to make college quilts for you!

2. Baby quilt ideas

Kids grow up way too fast, and suddenly you're left with way too many outgrown onesies and toddler t-shirts. What are you supposed to do with all of them? You can donate them, of course, but what about those really cute ones that you just can't part with?

Don't let them set them in a box in the attic for years. Instead, stitch them into a baby onesie quilt or find a baby quilt company to do it for you!

baby quilt ideas

3. Sorority t shirts

Did you graduate from college with a plethora of sorority t-shirts? They commemorate a huge part of your life, but you're likely never going to wear them again. 

Consider giving these t-shirts a new life in a t-shirt quilt. You can do this at home in a few easy steps or an online retailer like would be happy to make a t-shirt quilt for you!

4. Memory pillow made from shirts

Do you have a few extra t-shirts laying around? You love them, but you don't wear them anymore. Maybe they're too small, maybe there's a hole, but you just can't bear to toss it out?

Instead of letting them take up precious space in your dresser drawers, upcycle those t-shirts and make a pillow! Do it yourself in 3 easy steps, or find an online t shirt pillow company to do it for you!

memory pillow made from shirts

5. Jersey quilts

One of the best ways to preserve all your jerseys once you're no longer using them is to turn them into a jersey blanket or jersey quilt. Rather then have those special memories collect dust in the attic or take up important space in your closet, why not showcase them in a t shirt quilt?

Check out our top 3 jersey quilts here. Looking to have your own jersey quilt made? Click here.

6.Custom quilts

If you’re a collector of t-shirts and find yourself with drawers of memories that you don’t want to forget but really don’t want to wear anymore, consider giving them some practical value by upcycling them into handmade quilts.

Custom quilts are a fantastic way to preserve memories or create a truly one-of-a-kind gift. With just a little bit of prep work (and a whole lot of t-shirts), you can give some of your treasured t-shirts a second life.

While there are online services that can make custom quilts for you, you can also follow this 5 step process on how to make your own custom quilts.

custom quilts

7. Graduation shirts

How many shirts did your kids accumulate in high school or college? Many of those t-shirts they've never worn, or haven't worn in ages. Their closets are full of these graduation shirts, and you're ready to throw them out

Consider giving these graduation shirts a new life in a graduation quilt. You can do this at home in a few easy steps or an online retailer like would be happy to make quilts out of graduation shirts for you! Click here to view a list of ideas we came up with to make that quilt made out of graduation shirts extra special!

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