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New Year, New Quilt: Upcycling Your T-Shirts Into Cozy Memories

New Year, New Quilt: Upcycling Your T-Shirts Into Cozy Memories

Happy 2024! The new year is an important landmark not only on the calendar, but also in all of our lives. It’s a time for fresh starts and new beginnings. Out with the old and in with the new! As tradition, new years also come with…resolutions! Resolutions (and more so sticking to resolutions) are a challenge for many. To make a resolution that sticks, make sure your resolution is something simple and achievable.

Decluttering is a wonderful way to kick off the new year with a fresh start.


For 2024, we offer up this simple and achievable resolution: declutter your home! You can make room for holiday gifts from friends and loved ones, and you can also find a sense of peace and even creativity when you clean out or transform old items. Let’s explore the benefits of decluttering your home, upcycling your belongings, and transforming old t-shirts into fabulous MemoryStitch t-shirt quilts.


The first step to decluttering is determining what “clutter” you have to begin with. Search through closets, drawers, basements and attics. You never know what you’ll find! The excitement of discovering something you thought was lost or had completely forgotten about is invigorating. Surprise yourself by finding these treasures, and you may just get a boost of energy with it.

Decluttering frees up space in your home, in your mind, and in your heart. A more open space gives your mind a sense of ease. You may find yourself with more drive and concentration when working, and you might be able to have calmer moments of relaxation. It’s amazing to see the mental and emotional benefits you get after organizing belongings and removing unwanted items.

You never know what you’ll find when you’re cleaning out a space!


Although, arguably the hardest challenge of decluttering is deciding what to do with what you don’t want or need anymore. Some old items are difficult to part with. They carry sentimental value and memories that you don’t want to lose. Luckily, the solution to this problem is coming right up next: upcycling. 


Upcycling is the process of taking old objects, trinkets, and other items in your home and transforming them with a new purpose. Disregarded objects are filled with new life! Along with new life comes a more practical use of the item than it had before. Because you’re repurposing the item rather than throwing it into a garbage heap, you’re making a sustainable choice that helps everyone on the planet. The best part is that you hold on to the memories of an item, preserving your connection with it, while sustainably transforming it for the future.

MemoryStitch products are the perfect way to upcycle old t-shirts!


You can upcycle practically anything, but the perfect items to upcycle are old, loved t-shirts. Rather than taking up space in large, plastic totes or in dresser drawers, you can transform your t-shirts into t-shirt quilts. A t-shirt quilt brings together the designs and colors of a collection of t-shirts and upcycles the shirts into a wonderful, warm quilt for all occasions. A sustainable, practical transformation of sentimental belongings; that’s what upcycling is all about.


Now, let’s take a quick look at how you can get started upcycling your own collection of t-shirts with MemoryStitch’s process:

  • Collect your shirts: Let your creativity shine! Depending on the size of the quilt, you’ll need a collection of about 16 to 64 (and up to 128) t-shirts. You can begin by considering aspects like color and style of shirts. Also think about the story you want your collection of shirts to tell. Show support for a team, honor an occasion, celebrate a milestone or anything else! Tell a personal story with your shirts to be a sentimental ornament of your home.
  • Choose your quilt type: MemoryStitch offers many different types of t-shirt quilts to choose from. All shapes and sizes. All levels of fuzziness. Even double-sided quilts for your massive collections! We have tons of customizable options so that we can help you tell the perfect story with your t-shirt quilt. Check out our product page for more details on all the options you have available.
  • Create a layout: Play around with the order and pattern you want your shirts on the quilt. If you have a perfect layout send a picture with your order! And if you don’t have a layout in mind, we can lay out your t-shirts for you to make the most appealing quilt possible.
  • Cut your shirts: To use every shirt’s design as a quilt block, your next step is to cut out the part of the shirt you want displayed on the quilt. Much like the layout, we can take care of this for you as well!
  • Ship your shirts: Ship your t-shirts, cut or uncut, to MemoryStitch! And email us with any layout pictures or additional information for the team.
  • Enjoy your quilt: We will keep you updated on when we’re weaving your quilt together and when it’s shipped back to your home! After that, all you need to do is sit back, relax, and enjoy the warmth of your memories.

    For more details on the MemoryStitch process, such as instructions on cutting your shirts, check out the “How it Works” page on our website!

    Everything starts with a collection of t-shirts.



    No matter how you decide to tackle it, decluttering your home is always a win for your mental and emotional health. In the new year, give yourself that boost of energy and peace you deserve. Challenge yourself to set achievable goals and resolutions of decluttering or anything else you put your mind to! And if there are sentimental items in your house you can’t bear to part with, consider the creative and sustainable choice to upcycle that item into something with new life. Of course, the perfect place to start upcycling is by creating a t-shirt quilt with MemoryStitch.

    For more tidbits in the new year for all things about t-shirt quilts and preserving memory, stay tuned here to our blog! And have a wonderful and warm new year in 2024!


    Written by Zander Gibney.

    1 comment

    • Hi I have been wanting to do this for my daughter for a long time . I’m interested in a king size double sided quilt and I’m so confused as to how to even begin . So can there be a mix of tshirts and sweatshirts ?How long does it take to get back ? I’m excited to do this for my daughter thanking you kindly in advance

      Ann Blanda

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